Never too much Sunshine!

Pj's Pajama Brigade....

Your Life's Purpose and Passion .... Part 1

Your Life's Purpose and Passion... Part 2

October 31, 2009

Attraction Marketing Part V

Internet attraction marketing requires a marketer to give or share FIRST before expecting to receive anything from a customer. It is not just ideas, as mentioned above. He should also be able to provide materials that a customer will appreciate such as brochures, newsletters, free consultations, videos, e-books, trial offers, free quotations, and software. Information provided by these freebies, to paraphrase a popular saying, “do not provide a solution but teaches a customer to solve problems.” Only then should you proceed to present a product as a means, an instrument to solve problems.

Attraction marketing at its simplest form is definitely, the reverse of conventional methods. First, present ideas and solutions—make it FREE! Then, layer that with valuable products; only after building a trusting relationship with your readers. This formula is way more effective than the “old school sales tactics” our parents grew up with. People want solutions rather than fall immediately for the sales pitch of a sales agent.

Readers are more aware their rights as consumers. If you’re marketing the old fashioned way; we recommend that you look at your marketing—what can you do to implement attraction marketing in your campaigns? If may be as simple as adding some video, how to’s, giveaway, etc. Trust us when we say it is so well worth it.

While this ends the short series; come back often as I will add more information freely.

Attraction Marketing Part IV

Attraction marketing works. Instead of meeting people’s problems and needs head on with a product as a solution or a cure, using attraction marketing one would show genuine sympathy first by giving tips, advice, or suggestions. Once the marketer gains the trust of the read a solution is presented; sometimes yes it is a paid solution—more often than not—it is free information. Thus; build more trust.

Because attraction puts people’s trust at prime importance, attraction marketing demands an entrepreneur to make a name first. You see; by using the attraction marketing model; it becomes a win-win situation.

However, this is not done by, insisting on a product. It is by presenting oneself as a credible expert in the field who wants to help people solve their problems. And that my friend is what sets one apart from the traditional “foot in your door” salesman. A sales representative is more concerned about selling his product than listening to a potential client’s problem. An entrepreneur applying attraction marketing, on the other hand, gives expert advice, addresses particular needs, and even walks a customer through a process. Of course, he sells his product but not before showing expertise and genuine concern to customer and not after he convinces the customer how important his product is in achieving total solutions.

Part 5 coming right up...

Attraction Marketing Part III

Attraction marketing; on the other hand, is making waves and strides in breaking down the previous barriers faced. As the name implies, this does not intrude into the lives of people to sell a product or service.

Instead, it attracts people to be informed about the product and to buy it when they convince themselves of the wisdom in buying it. This is, definitely, not an inch close to the definition of aggressive marketing or hard selling a product or service. In fact, just by looking at the surface or at how its packaged, it is not easily recognized as selling at all.

The internet, in the first place, was built on the premise of giving everyone access to information. People surf for ideas, suggestions, and any other data they need. From finding out the best summer destinations to guides on building a garden shack and even suggestions on how to make a business prosper, the internet is their most reliable and most abundant source of knowledge. They even use it get advice on relationship problems, medical and health issues, and entertainment tips.

Stay tuned for part four...

Attraction Marketing Part II

Traditional marketing methods promote the idea of aggressive selling. The most common are; the annoying salesman who makes unexpected visits, TV commercials that annoyingly interrupt a funny sitcom, and gigantic billboards that can dangerously take away the attention of motorists from the road. A relatively new one is telemarketing, in which sales agents make unsolicited phone calls to prospective customers; disrupting people’s dinners, this method is, obviously, just as bothersome as its earlier cousin.

Clearly, internet marketing does not do the same, which is why some conventional marketing experts consider it as less effective. The idea behind this impression is that people rarely turn a PC on to buy something. Instead, their consumers’ instinct will urge them to go shopping directly or through the yellow pages. In that case, internet marketing does have a disadvantage. However, that style of marketing is a result of the lack of appreciation for the internet and its importance to people. It merely thinks of the internet as just another billboard, a flyer, or a less obtrusive salesman.

Stay tuned for part III of the attraction marketing series.